PMHCC provides five core administrative functions for the entities which operate under its structure: 1) fiscal management, including accounting, payroll, contracting; space and equipment management including purchase and maintenance of equipment and vehicles, office space rental and facilities management; 2) information services, including procurement of computer equipment, maintenance, training, support of a network and management of the telecommunications system, 3) human resources management, 4) consultation on administration, management, and organizational development and 5) compliance and legal support.
PMHCC serves as a contractor for over 180 consultation and treatment contracts on behalf of several City of Philadelphia Health and Opportunity departments.
PMHCC assigns approximately 356 of a total of 611 PMHCC (not including CTT) employees to the City departments funding these positions.
Services Provided by PMHCC to Its Programs
PMHCC’s Executive Office provides administrative and management oversight for the corporation, its programs and affiliate organizations. In conjunction with the Board of Directors, the Chief Executive Officer develops organizational goals and long term plans, ensures the resources to accomplish these goals and plans, and communicates with PMHCC staff about Board decisions and priorities. The Chief Executive Officer monitors and assesses programs for their quality, effectiveness and efficiency and supervises the Directors of PMHCC’s administrative departments and affiliate corporations in the areas of personnel, budget, city funding/contracting and matters affecting the corporation. He ensures that PMHCC fulfills its contractual obligations to the City of Philadelphia and is the final fiscal and hiring authority for the corporation.
The Executive Office provides staffing support to the Board of Directors, preparing Board mailings, minutes, and follow-up on Board decisions. In addition, the Office promotes organizational cohesiveness, facilitates problem solving and plans agency-wide events.
The staff of the Executive Office is comprised of the Chief Executive Officer, the Corporate Counsel and Compliance Officer, the Chief Administrative Officer, the Administrative Liaison, the Administrative Support Assistant, and the Mail Courier.
Ensuring compliance with relevant state and federal employment laws and regulations, the Human Resources Department provides consultation, while planning, directing and coordinating administrative functions. Utilizing the HRIS, the department supports Programs by providing recurring and on-demand reporting for forecasting, analysis and compliance requirements.
As the first point of contact for new hires, the Human Resources Department delivers a professional, comprehensive orientation experience and remains committed to supporting employees throughout their tenure. With a focus on wellness, the department hosts employee-centered wellness events throughout the calendar year. The Human Resources Department also partners with affiliated Programs to raise funds and awareness for special projects and causes.
Staying ahead of trends and operating in a proactive capacity, the Human Resources Department will continuously re-invent itself. Forward-thinking initiatives and implementation will streamline processes and serve as a catalyst for achieving our number one goal: to deliver customer service excellence.
PMHCC, Inc.'s Human Resources Department serves as a strategic business partner across PMHCC Departments and affiliated Programs.
With a key focus on the seven major functions of Human Resources, the department strategically manages workforce planning and employment (including recruitment best practices), training and development, total rewards (including compensation and benefits), aids in policy formulation and implementation, employee and labor relations and risk management for the organization.
The Fiscal, Facilities, and Procurement Supports Department manages the contracts of all PMHCC programs, accounts receivable and cash flow, accounts payable, payroll functions, financial statement preparation, and banking relationships. As required by its contracts, the Department works with independent auditors who prepare separate audit reports, one for PMHCC and one for PMHCC CTT.
Budgeting and Budget Management
The Fiscal, Facilities, and Procurement Supports Department receives allocations for PMHCC from the City of Philadelphia and then assists PMHCC programs and affiliate organizations in developing their individual budgets by providing them with relevant information, such as staff salaries, fixed and operating costs, etc. The Department provides financial analyses, sends monthly expenditure reports to each Program Director as well as regular reports to the City and the PMHCC Board of Directors. In addition, the Department meets regularly with the City of Philadelphia to track and monitor individual program budgets.
Facilities Management
The Fiscal, Facilities, and Procurement Supports Department assists programs with all office space needs, including space planning, office relocation, resolution of any problems with building management, and oversees all program vehicles, including service, repairs and parking needs.
On behalf of each of the PMHCC programs, the Fiscal, Facilities, and Procurement Supports Department purchases and maintains furniture and other smaller items, and makes travel arrangements for staff(including airline, train and hotel reservations). The inventory of all PMHCC furniture, equipment, and access cards is another responsibility.
The Fiscal, Facilities, and Procurement Supports Department provides financial management and other administrative support services for all PMHCC programs and operates in compliance with all relevant laws, regulations, and audit standards. Its responsibilities are in four areas: 1) accounting, 2) budgeting and budget management 3) facilities management, and 4) procurement.
The Information Services Department of PMHCC provides a broad range of technology support and services. Our goal is to provide this support to every PMHCC program/department and affiliated organizations by maintaining a customer service support approach that assists in achieving departmental goals. The Information Services Department provides a range of technology support services to all PMHCC programs/departments, the Community Treatment Teams, Incorporated, the City of Philadelphia Department of Behavioral Health and Intellectual disAbility Services (DBHIDS), Community Behavioral Health, grant funded initiatives and The Consumer Satisfaction Team, Inc. (an agency under contract with DBHIDS).
The Information Services Department provides the following services: