User Awareness Program

Recipient Experience

When you send an encrypted message to someone other than or, PMHCC uses the Best Method Of Delivery (BMOD). If the recipient is also a Zix Corp customer, they will receive your email securely in their email system with a line that reads “This message was secured by Zixcorp” in the body of the email. If the recipient’s company has setup their email system to automatically accept encrypted connections with other email systems (TLS), the recipient will receive your email securely in their email system with a line that reads “This message was secured by Zixcorp” in the body of the email. Finally, if none of the above methods of delivery are available, the recipient will receive a notification email with instructions on how to open the message. The notification message arrives in their email Inbox. They select Open Message in the notification to go to the Secure Message Center and view their email. Here is a sample email that a recipient will receive:

The customer must go through a one-time registration process.

After they register and sign in to the Secure Message Center, their message opens and they can view the message details and reply.